Friday, January 20, 2012

Week One (from the experts)

The dancers reflect on the week intensive with guest director Zoe Barry. Their voices are driving the work in a direction in which the dance is shaped around their individual life experience.

What's been the best thing about this week-long rehearsal?

Getting involved in the group work - bringing my energy into all the work really. Its been a long time since I've done this.

Well the best thing about this long week rehearsal is doing movements with other people and getting to know one another and doing moves our own way - getting to do different movements and working together as a team.

The best thing about this week-long rehearsal, the work you've done on our non-verbal communication, like body language and facial expression, as that has been really fascinating.

The best thing about this week has been working together to create movement which translates into any language. This whole workshop has been about non-verbal communication and movement is one of the best ways to achieve this. It has been very interesting looking at things we often show subconsciously throughout our everyday day lives and working with them in a more in depth form. Experimentation and observation intertwined together to study the inner emotions and the outer gestures and facial expression which show the emotions. I really enjoyed working on my own impulses and also working off of the impulses of other peers within the room.

The best thing about the rehearsals is that you never really know what's going to happen; Philip might throw in a new yoga exercise, Zoe might suggest we study each others emotions for an hour, another dancer might take off his shirt, and you might find yourself dodging a large rubber ball every twenty seconds. In any of these situations [and more], it's been a really exciting challenge to be caught off guard. One tends to find a lot of inspiration in that moment - at least, if one lets it - and great material comes from riding that inspiration. Taking on each of these assignments with a willingness to go with the flow has been an incredible experience so far, and I'd love to have more time to explore this freedom.

I thought the whole week was thoroughly enjoyable. The work was stimulating, thought provoking in a way that (I think) everyone could relate to. I think my favorite part of the week was the exercise we did about anything relating to body language and some of the themes that we have delved into around this area of psychology. The responses were really intriguing. It is interesting how we all perceive body language differently. The things people talked about varied so much they all captured something that was unique to them. I also loved the exercises we did using the space as a grid. Everyone really let go and started creating new movement, it’s a really interesting process coming up with original movements that can be expanded on. Personally once I started to let go and just enjoy the moment I stopped thinking so much about how I looked in the space and more about what’s going on around me and how I can compliment that.

Best thing about week long rehearsal was working for an intensive week with all the dancers! Everyone is so unique in their movement - it makes a great landscape of theatre that can be used. To see peoples ideas are things that only would of come from working with this group... so the dance piece is ours in a sense.

The first week of Howling Like a Wolf was incredibly interesting and rewarding. What a great start to the production! The process thus far has been dynamic. I feel this made the week such a diverse and delightful experience. I enjoyed delving into the themes and ideas for the show by listening to audio, reading and hearing text, and doing tasks, which Zoe presented us. I loved exploring the way in which we communicate and interact as humans, and animals, within this world.

I liked working with the grid and doing improv.


Well this week-long rehearsal has been a good experience because we get to work with different movements and you can discover all the different levels that you can put into your work and make it fantastic and that’s what we are going to do.

Alice K

Talking on the microphone. The whole show.

The group consists of lots of new faces - how has it been working with this new Ensemble?

Well first of all when I met the new faces I was nervous but they were too when they saw new faces. I introduced myself and asked them what they do and what they're doing and we became friends. That's the great thing about it.

I really loved the new ensemble - I dont know why, I just do. Its been fun working with them and getting to know them - also they are really good dancers.

It was really good working with new people. I think as the more people you include to this process, everyone brings a little something different and always something good. Together all those somethings can make a great work.

Working with new people has been great. It's always good to have a new insight into works being produced. Everyone seemed to meld together like bread and butter. Restless is always a safe place to be and working with new faces didn't change that feeling at all. Everyone gets along so well and works nicely together which makes workshops a breeze and a joy to be involved in.

Having never worked with the Restless Ensemble before, I've been amazed at how open the group has been to working with new people. I've loved moving around with this group, and letting them teach me what dance is like to them. Additionally, working with new people will always give you a new way of thinking about how you see a situation; all of the Restless dancers have pushed me to think outside of my comfort zone.

It’s great to have new faces in the Ensemble. Working with such a large group I thought might be challenging though it didn’t seem that way at all. The new members who I haven’t worked with for as long brought new energy and creativity. Their presence during the week added so much more, I’m really interested in learning their stories.

Again I will talk about for the second question how unique the newcomers are. Lots of familiar faces but the new guys did things that are unexpected and an exciting prospect for any director. I feel that Zoe has had some new ideas thrown to her that will be fun to use.

It is always great to meet new faces. Each person in the Ensemble adds a unique quality to the process. It is refreshing to hear new ideas, and to see how each individual works and moves. The Restless Studio is a beautiful place to meet someone. You connect and get to know the person on a different level compared to outside of the space. Majority of the communication comes through movement.

I like working with new people and getting new ideas for the show.


Working with this new Ensemble has been a great experience because you learn all about different people and their experiences throughout life and what you can learn from those experiences and really consider yourself lucky in lots of ways I guess.

Alice K

I enjoyed helping the new people.

Do you think you're an expert at something?

I do believe I'm an expert at some things but not everything. I believe I'm an expert at people. Communication is my expertise. I just do a lot of talking and when someone has a problem sometimes I give advice.

I am an expert at dancing by myself and with groups and other people in the Ensemble.

Do I think I'm an expert something? No, the more I've learnt during life, the more I realize how much I don't know, so no, I don't feel like an expert at anything.

Everyone is an expert at something, no matter how big or small, you just have to find out what it is. I am an expert at drawing figures and defining the expressions on their faces. I am also an expert at working together with everyone and anyone. I am an expert at underestimating myself!

I'd like to shy away from the idea of being an expert at anything, but I guess that if I had to, I would just be an expert at being who I currently am, which is always changing. For a while, the group looked to me for neuroscience-related information, and I wanted to be more than just an encyclopedia. I wanted to contribute creativity, expression, humor, and my style of movement, so I did. More importantly, I've enjoyed learning what everyone else considers them an expert to be. Maybe that's it. I might just be an expert at learning what everyone else wants to be.

I honestly don’t think I’m an expert at anything, I mean I have interests and fields where I have more knowledge than other subjects, but to say I’m an expert would be exaggerating. One area that I have done a lot of my own research in is mental health. Having a mental illness I have invested interest in how I can manage my illness, I am always learning more. I mention this because of the radio interviews we listened to where they (speakers) mentioned quite a lot about schizophrenia. It’s an illness that people don’t know much about and particularly relevant in the area of facial expressions and the inability to read empathy and apathy in people's faces.

I'm an expert at Nigel movement. This is a hard one to answer because no one can really master something... an expert in their field will always have new people with new ideas creating new boundaries. My movement is something I can control and is the only thing I can confidently say I'm an expert at... even though other people may see it differently if they do not like the movement. Very hard question.

I have thought and thought about what I am expert in. I realise I am in a stage of growth as a person, which I would like to think is an ongoing growth. If I was to choose something I am an expert in, I see myself as an expert in being creative. I have always been a creative person, and I am forever learning new creative skills in mainly dance, art, craft, and sewing. I feel that to be an expert is a strong title. I mainly feel very passionate about those things.

That's easy, taking the warm ups. I am very flexible.


I think I want to be an expert at dancing and movement and I’ve always been that kind to get up and just dance when I get the chance - sometimes I do dance steps that I have learnt or just dance anything it depends what kind of music is on and what the style is.

I think I am an expert at smiling and being happy.

Alice K

Yes, getting on with everybody.

Have you learnt anything from the process so far?

I have learnt to focus on my abilities more than myself. I learnt how to calm myself down when it comes to rehearsals and workshops - when I go to a workshop I usually get a bit tense. I think of myself in third person and think smugness. I tend to be a bit smug sometimes, but I hate doing that - I want to make friends with people not hurt them. I learnt to interact with people and just be myself.

Learning to connect with their movements I didn't find it hard this time coz I am concentrating more on what I should be doing rather than worrying about my dance moves. If they are not good its ok - keep trying. I always say... "never say never, don't give up." I have learnt to dance better in the process with others and myself. I just love trying new things. I feel more confident with the other dancers too. Working with them they taught me that I can do everything if I try. I trust them when they are dancing with me coz if you don't trust the person your dancing with it can get frustrating, but you have to learn that not everyone has the same idea or mind as you do, so just respect them for who they are and it will work out.

During the process of this work we've been going into a lot of our emotions and how we feel, how we show how we feel and sometimes why we feel that way. As always that got me asking questions of myself. I have learnt much about myself by looking at the gestures we have been performing and reflecting on my life and what body language I often display and when.

Throughout the process so far, I have learnt to step outside my comfort zone and experiment with inner emotions and the way they are expressed. I have learnt what some body language can be perceived as and how to recognise some differences in facial expressions.

I don't know if I've learned anything from the process itself but different ways of creating a piece. Actually, I've learned a lot from reflecting on what I did during the day; where I was comfortable, what I chose not to do, who I did and didn't work with, and most importantly asking the question WHY? I'd talk about these questions with friends, and in the end I learned more about myself through the choices I had made and finding the motivation behind those choices.

Yeah I think I have become more aware of how I come across to others. Analysing what my face might look like, what my expression is portraying and what I can read in other people’s expressions and body language. Improving on my interactions with friends and strangers, I think it is important that we are sensitive to what is going on around us. I think if you pay attention you can learn a lot from people’s body language. Like the saying goes... ‘actions speak louder than words’.

I have learnt that one idea dosen't make a lemonade - someone has to create the lemon and then someone has to create the 'ade'. The dancers are creating the dance piece... the show... the ade while Zoe is creating the lemon... the basis for our movement and the ideas to which movement come from. I have known this before but I have tried to create movement that is me totally, but someone else always has an idea you can take. what I learnt is that not one idea is a bad one. I have seen the process that a Restless dancer uses, whether imagination or brain impulses... and the ideas anyone can use for a show... they don't have to be one dance idea... an idea is something that needs to be shared.

I learnt more about communication and the way in which each individual expresses oneself has almost universal similarities, yet each person is unique from the next. I realised I work better and create new movement if I let go of thoughts and let my body lead my movement rather than my mind.

Yes I have learnt something, working with new people and I have learnt so much from working with Zoe in the past years. I have learnt about taking responsibility for the workshop, organising the contract and making the show. I did actually learn about making new ideas with friends.

I learnt about playing with eye contact and connecting with other artists and the audience. I learnt about body language and facial expressions.


I have learnt that there are all kinds of dance styles and each is very different from what I have ever done before. Learning about body language was interesting to learn about because you can read what people are saying but if you don’t show it in your body, people don’t know what you’re saying - it’s amazing how much you can read from someone’s body language. Learning about the effect of eye contact was interesting because you can learn lots - I found out when someone looks at you it can mean lots of things not just because the person is interested in what you’re saying... they might like what you are wearing or be listening very carefully – or lots of other things.

Alice K

Yes, new moves on the floor.

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